Tips for Starting Diesel Engines in Cold Weather
Before facing winter, those with diesel engine-powered equipment need to make sure these machines are properly maintained as the weather begins to cool down. By staying proactive, you can be prepared for the cold and make sure that your machinery starts as it would during any other season. From warming up your engine to keeping an eye out for frozen fuel, here are some ways you can avoid engine failure during the winter:
- Warm Up the Engine Before Use: Allowing the engine to run for about five minutes before operating lets the machinery get ready for use. While this isn’t absolutely necessary, failing to do so will result in the engine working harder during use.
- Heating Leads to Smooth Running: How you heat your machinery depends on what you really need to be warmed. Whether you need to heat the coolant in-stream or ignite cold fuel, there are many options for heating the different parts of your engine.
- Keep Diesel Exhaust Fluid from Freezing: Keeping exhaust fluid above 12 degrees Fahrenheit is important to keep it from freezing. If the fluid freezes, it can be more difficult to get the machinery up and running, potentially resulting in engine start failure.
- Watch Out for Any Frozen Fuel: Filtering and warming any frozen or gel-like fuel is crucial because any fuel that is frozen can block up the flow to the injector pump.
- Warm Location Storage: Keeping your machinery in a warm area not only allows it to warm up more quickly but also keeps it away from natural elements like snow, rain, and hail.
- Keep a Full Fuel Tank: If a fuel tank is not full of fuel, it leaves space for condensation to build up, thereby resulting in frozen or gelled fuel. By keeping a full tank, you can avoid this problem.
For more information regarding diesel engines and maintenance, contact your local John Deere dealer.
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