Accumulator Pre-Charge Check new key 1389971360-9665
q / 585
Brake operation new key 1389971388-6284
Manual Test, Refer to Service Advisor for Repair and Adjustments Instructions
q / 586
Drive Wheel Oil Level new key 1389971423-4207
1500 Hours / Check
q / 587
Drive Wheels new key 1389971440-7534
Clean Debris / Inspect, Refer to Service Advisor for Repair and Adjustments Instructions
q / 588
Drive Wheels and Sleeves new key 1389971456-2690
500 Hours / Tighten
q / 589
Front Idler new key 1389971620-4746
q / 590
Front Idler new key 1389971637-816
500 Hours / Tighten
q / 591
Front Idler Oil Level new key 1389971662-4659
1500 Hours / Check
q / 592
Mid Roller and Front Idler Pivot Check new key 1389971679-3230
q / 593
Mid-Frame Roller new key 1389971689-4343
500 Hours / Tighten
q / 594
Mid-Frame Roller Oil Level new key 1389971706-5082
1500 Hours / Check
q / 595
Mid-Rollers new key 1389971723-2186
Inspect, Refer to Service Advisor for Repair and Adjustments Instructions
q / 596
Re-Tension Track new key 1389971735-4407
* / Adjustment
q / 597
Steering Drift Test new key 1389971752-8867
* / Refer to Service Advisor for Repair and Adjustments Instructions
q / 598
Steering Filters new key 1389971762-6224
1500 Hours / Replacement
q / 599
Steering motor, cylinders, and hoses new key 1389971781-4144
* / Leakage
q / 600
Steering operation new key 1389971800-8478
q / 601
Steering valve new key 1389971812-1834
* / Leakage
q / 602
Tension Cylinder and Inspect new key 1389971824-8012
q / 603
Track new key 1389971842-5773
Inspect, Refer to Service Advisor for Repair and Adjustments Instructions
q / 604
Track Alignment new key 1389971853-9135
Adjustment, Refer to Service Advisor for Repair and Adjustments Instructions
q / 605
Track Suspension Air Bag new key 1389971867-3560
250 Hours / Clean Debris / Inspect
q / 606
Track Suspension Compressor new key 1389971886-1304
250 Hours / Clean Debris / Inspect
q / 607
Track Suspension Compressor Filter new key 1389971946-9194
250 Hours / Clean Debris / Inspect
q / 608
Track Suspension Compressor Filter new key 1389971968-3076
1500 Hours / Replacement
q / 609
Traction Lug Height new key 1389971987-452
* / Adjustment, Refer to Service Advisor for Repair and Adjustments Instructions
q / 610
Undercarriage Frame and Mid Frame new key 1389972002-7213
* / Inspect
q / 611