Idaho farmers and agricultural businesses are rallying around a tractor raffle program that funds scholarships for young Americans who want to enter the farming industry, according to the Capital Press.
The news source reported that the tractor raffle raised $23,000 for Future Farmers of America scholarships last year, but supporters of the event expect it to generate more than $50,000 in funding this year due to the quality of auction items.
One of these items, a used John Deere tractor has generated interest among many supporters of the FFA. According to the Press, the model B tractor was built in 1952 and it includes a three-point sprayer with a 55-gallon tank.
Sid Freeman, a former FFA member, noted that the tractor was in pristine condition and with the sprayers "it's got a practical application for anybody. Everybody's got weeds."
The Future Farmers of America was founded by a group of young men who were interested in pursuing a career in the agricultural industry, and the mission of the organization has changed to include the notion that farming is also about business, art and science, according to the FFA website.
Vintage John Deere raffled to create scholarships

A used John Deere tractor was raffled to make scholarships.