After seeing recent declines, the value of farm equipment shipped increased in September according to a report from the government.
The U.S. Census Bureau noted that the overall value of farm equipment shipped was up by 1.6 percent, coming to a seasonally-adjusted total of more than $2.2 billion. That's after seeing decreases of 2.6 percent from July to August and 6.1 percent from June to July.
Along with farm equipment, construction equipment saw an increase in the value of products shipped out by manufacturers. The Census reports that the value of construction equipment shipments was up 3.8 percent from August to September. In all, more than $1.3 billion in construction equipment was shipped.
Though shipments of construction equipment were up for the month, construction itself is expected to be down in 2010 according to FMI, a consulting firm for the construction management industry. The firm predicts that construction will dip 5 percent next year and expects it to fall by 14 percent this year.
Overall, orders for manufactured goods were up by 0.9 percent, or 3.3 billion. Total new orders for manufactured goods in the country came to $356.1 billion.