Though the debate about climate change may still be in the air for some, the idea of reducing greenhouse gasses could still be an important goal for people who use farm equipment.
Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it had reached an agreement with dairy producers in the country to try and reduce greenhouse emissions 25 percent by 2020. One of the main points of the agreement is to try and speed up the implementation of manure-to-energy technologies on dairy farms.
"Use of manure to electricity technology is a win for everyone because it provides an untapped source of income for farmers, provides a source of renewable electricity, reduces our dependence on foreign fossil fuels, and provides a wealth of additional environmental benefits," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, speaking at a conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, said.
The USDA has pledged that it will take up research initiatives while also increasing marketing efforts for anaerobic digester technology, which can convert manure into electricity.
Along with the agreement between the USDA and dairy farmers, the USDA has also championed recent efforts to try and increase internet connectivity in rural areas, which could help farmers communicate better and receive information in a timelier manner.