A recent report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture showed that mixed acreage results for crops across the country.
After seeing a record year in 2009, both corn and soybean planted acreage are up 2 percent so far in 2010, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service. The former is seeing an estimated 87.9 million acres, while the latter is on pace for 78.9 million.
Last year, 76.4 million acres of soybeans were harvested, according to an annual report from the USDA. Meanwhile, 13.2 billion bushels of corn were harvested in 2009, up 1 percent from 2008's total.
Cotton acreage is on the mark to outpace lasts year's planting results by 19 percent, as farm equipment across the country works the fields at a heightened rate of activity. For 2010, acreage for the crop is at an estimated 10.9 million, compared to the 7.69 acres seen the year before.
However, wheat production is down 8 percent according to estimates. The crop is on pace to see 54.3 million acres planted, the NASS report said.