U.S. Winter Wheat Production Expected to Increase 4% in 2024

Winter wheat production will rise year over year in 2024, according to the USDA.
Winter wheat production will rise year over year in 2024, according to the USDA.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has forecasted a promising outlook for 2024 winter wheat production, predicting a 4% increase compared to last year. In a June 12 executive briefing, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) projected U.S. farmers would produce 1.29 billion bushels of winter wheat this year, up from 1.25 billion in 2023. That's an increase over the agency's May estimates, which predicted only a 2% production increase year over year.

Winter Wheat Quality Also Expected to Increase

While the quality ratings for corn and soybeans have declined, winter wheat quality has shown a notable improvement year over year. According to the NASS Crop Progress report released June 24, 52% of this season's winter wheat crop is rated in good-to-excellent condition, up from 49% the previous week and 40% the previous year. Additionally, 33% of the crop is rated as fair, with the remaining 15% classified as poor or very poor. Harvest activities are advancing at a brisk pace, with 40% of the crop harvested, nearly doubling the prior five-year average of 25%. In addition, approximately 97% of the crop is now headed, a slight increase from 94% the previous week and slightly surpassing the five-year average of 95%.

Why is Winter Wheat Production and Quality Forecasted to Increase?

The improved winter wheat production forecast can be attributed to favorable weather conditions and effective crop management practices. The increase in quality ratings suggests crops are developing well, with fewer issues related to disease and pest infestations. Moreover, the accelerated pace of harvesting indicates that farmers are efficiently managing their operations to maximize yield and quality. This development is poised to have a beneficial impact on the agricultural sector and the broader economy. Bolstering U.S. wheat exports could provide a competitive edge in international markets and a welcome bright spot for the agricultural industry as a whole.

The Impact of Winter Wheat Production and Quality Increases

The USDA's latest crop progress report paints a positive picture for the 2024 winter wheat production. With quality ratings on the rise and harvest activities ahead of schedule, the anticipated 4% increase in production reflects the concerted efforts of farmers and favorable growing conditions. If you're looking for the right agricultural equipment to help navigate these challenges, a local John Deere dealer can help.