When it comes to the best methods of caring for lawns, people may want to consider the advice of those who have used tractors for a living.
Recently, farmers in Maryland started offering water conservation tips to residents in the state in an effort to help protect Chesapeake Bay. State Agriculture Secretary Buddy Hance said that producers know how important water is and that they don't want to see it lost to waste.
"Many routine farm-based conservation measures can easily be adapted to backyard lawn care and gardens," Hance said.
For example, people should avoid lighter watering on a more frequent basis, as this leads to shallower root growth and creates an environment conducive to weeds. Hoses should also be kept in good repair, as not doing so could lead to water being wasted.
Furthermore, people may consider purchasing a rain barrel, where they can collect water for a variety of purposes. However, they should make sure they have a screen to keep mosquitoes at bay.
To get the most effective use of water, consumers may consider caring for their lawn in the early part of the day, which will lead to less evaporative waste.