In more difficult economic times, thieves may be further encouraged to try to make a buck by stealing equipment and other items.
That holds true for used tractors as well, and St. Louis television station KMOV noted recently that a number of burglaries of these machines have occurred as of late. One of the alleged thieves, 25-year-old Bradley Cobb, was recently arrested for the crime.
At issue is the fact that people in the area are absentmindedly leaving their garage doors open, giving criminals the opportunity to run away with their used tractors.
"If you're working in the yard, take a garage door opener out of your car and keep it with you," the television station said. "But, by all means, make sure the garage door is closed at night."
While people who use tractors are advised to keep an eye on their machines, the same holds true for farmers and their equipment. Some criminals may try to steal copper wiring from combines or irrigation systems, as the metal has grown in value in the last few years.