The Christmas season is a time when many individuals struggle to pick out the right gifts for their loved ones, friends and co-workers. One Shelter Island, New York resident was recently surprised with the keys to a piece of John Deere farm equipment, according to the Shelter Island Reporter.
The news source reported that the individual was surprised in the same way that occurred on an older advertisement from the agricultural company. The commercial featured a line where a father acted surprised at his gift.
"Gee, a John Deere hat. Just what I always wanted!" the man said to his family after receiving his gift. He then picks up the item, only to see that the keys to a John Deere lawnmower were under it the entire time, according to the Reporter.
This joy was what a resident from Shelter Island tried to replicate in their gift last year, and the reaction they received did not disappoint.
A.V. Club reported that many notable people have sported the John Deere hat, including comedian Jeff Foxworthy in his senior picture for high school.