Recent flooding in Minnesota may have resulted in damage to farmland or used tractors, although producers do have aid resources available to them.
Minnesota Department of Agriculture Commissioner Gene Hugoson said farmers affected by the flooding should use the services his office has to offer, including the Farmer Assistance Network and the Farm Advocate Program. Both programs offer guidance to producers for crisis situations.
"This flooding impacted many farms and businesses in southern Minnesota," Hugoson said. "Our regulatory divisions are contacting the businesses we work with, offering to help them get back into operation quickly and safely."
Along with state-level initiatives, agriculture equipment users in Minnesota may be able to tap into assistance programs offered by the federal government. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers a number of disaster-related initiatives through the Farm Service Agency.
For example, the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments Program may provide for losses tied to production or quality resulting from a natural disaster.
Farmers in areas affected by disasters may consider contacting their local FSA office in order to find additional assistance options.