Tractor shows may serve as a chance for families to bond over the farm equipment, as many times parents that come from an agricultural background wish to teach their children about their early life on a farm.
Crowds of all ages attended a tractor show that was held at the Henderson Country Fairgrounds in Kentucky. Over 43 models of the farm equipment were on display, and the attendees were given a history of the American-made vehicles, according to the Henderson Gleaner.
A 1939 John Deere G tractor was one of the featured models, as the owner of the vehicle had restored it to pristine condition following years of neglect in a scrap pile. The older version of the machine was adorned with Christmas lights in an effort provide a humorous take on the show, the news source reported.
Though many farm enthusiasts may prefer older models of John Deere tractors, there are several new models that range in size from personal machines to larger vehicles that have up to 543 horsepower, according to the company website.