In addition to farm equipment, feed is one of the mainstays for livestock producers in Kansas.
The Kansas Department of Agriculture recently announced it was given a $1.1 million grant to study pet foods and livestock feed. The purpose of the funds is to help ensure animal foods are safe for critters and humans alike.
Funds from the grant, which was awarded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, will be used to further hunt for mycotoxins in feed and pet food. These harmful components, which are produced by mold, can be fatal to animals.
"Analyzing grain-based animal feed and pet foods for mycotoxins is an expansion of work we already to do ensure that they are safe for the animals consuming them," Kansas Agriculture Secretary Josh Svaty said.
Some of the funds will be used to purchase advanced laboratory equipment, which will further help detect mycotoxins.
Food safety has also been a concern of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Along with naturally created problems in the food chain, officials are on the lookout for any man-made issues, including those tied to potential terrorist threats.