The innovations in the agricultural industry are plentiful, but many visitors to the Agritechnica show in Europe noticed a transition from the time-honored method of using a PTO shaft to transmit power from a tractor to new ways that rely on electric motors and cables, according to Farmers Weekly.
The news source reported that John Deere is leading the pack in terms of developing electric-based systems, as it has now used farm equipment that contains electricity-generating technology in its latest line of tractors.
The groundbreaking technology that was featured in its 7430E and 7530E models in its 2008 line of tractors is going to be replaced by a new electricity-generating machine that will go on sale in 2012 in the form of its 6210RE equipment, according to Farmers Weekly.
The benefits of the new technology can be seen by a seasoned farmer, as electrically powered engine auxiliaries can be tucked away in convenient places, freeing up space for the owner to operate the machine in a more controlled manner, the news source reported.
The John Deere 7430 tractor was manufactured at the Waterloo, Iowa plant starting in 2007, and the model came with a standard 166 horsepower engine with a fuel capacity of 80 gallons, according to Tractor Data.