Construction equipment users may have to take a number of steps in the face of new emissions regulations, whether they be buying new machines or retrofitting old ones.
Recently, a construction company in New Jersey turned to a product from John Deere to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency's Interim Tier 4 regulations. J.H. Reid, had a new 744K 4WD loader delivered at the end of August.
Eric Reid, president of the contracting firm, said having the machine will allow the company to work in New York City, where there are additional emissions regulations.
"Deere's IT4 unit availability allowed us to think long-term," Reid said.
Bidding requirements on some construction jobs may include restrictions on emissions. Along with the new federal requirements, which come into effect on January 1, 2011, states may have their own stipulations that contractors have to follow.
Owners of older machines may have options to comply with regulations. For example, there are filter available that will reduce particulate emissions. However, older models may need a new engine, which could come at some cost.