To recognize the vital role that America's farmers play in providing food to the world, John Deere is attempting a world-record construction of a full-sized sculpture of its new S-Series Combine from more than 300,000 cans of food at the pavilion in downtown Moline, Illinois, according to Farm and Dairy.
The news source reported that "Project Can Do" is a combined sculpture and food donation program that targets the diminishing awareness surrounding the agricultural industry and farmers who operate machines like John Deere combines to feed society.
"With the global population expected to increase from 7 billion to more than 9 billion by 2050, farmers will need to increase food production by 70 percent while using the same amount of land, water and other resources," Nicole Schneider, the project manager, told Farm and Dairy.
According to the John Deere website, the project will allow interested individuals to donate a can of food online, as the more than 300,000 cans that are necessary will help to provide the River Bend Foodbank with resources for local citizens once the sculpture is dismantled.