Illinois' Quinn to continue to support broadband projects

The governor of Illinois will keep supporting expanding broadband in the state.
The governor of Illinois will keep supporting expanding broadband in the state.
The governor of the Land of Lincoln recently said that he will continue to support efforts put forward to expand broadband projects in the state.

Pat Quinn said that more than $60 million has been secured by Illinois in order to help broadband access. The funds were made available through the federal government through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

"Broadband technology is a key to improving employment, health care, public safety and education opportunities in our state," Quinn said.

One of the main goals of increasing broadband capabilities across the country is to help those who may use agricultural equipment stay connected to the rest of the country. Such connectivity allows producers to stay up-to-date on prices while also allowing them to take part in the national debate surrounding agriculture.

Last year a number of officials from the government went on a tour of rural communities across the nation in order to get input about broadband connectivity. The tour was also designed to further Washington's connection with people who live in remote areas.