Deere Foundation announces grants for unit communities

The John Deere Foundation is making one-time grants available.
The John Deere Foundation is making one-time grants available.
The John Deere Foundation recently announced it is providing grants to Deere & Co. unit communities, which include areas that produce farm equipment for the company.

In all, the one-time grant could total $1 million and will be distributed to organizations that provide community services. Some of the services provided by the agencies include food, shelter and utility assistance. Some of the communities that will see grant assistance include Augusta, Georgia, and the Quad Cities region of Iowa and Illinois.

"The purpose for this one-time program is to address the increased demand for human services in these uncertain economic times," Amy Nimmer, president of the foundation, said. "This additional support will help funded agencies meet some of the needs of the increasing number of people they are serving."

The foundation - which was established in 1948 - has already given grants totaling $1.8 million in 2009.

Recently, Deere & Co. announced it is recalling 452 workers to its Ottumwa, Iowa, plant in order to produce machinery for the 2010 season. That area will also benefit from grants made available through the one-time program.