Crop Production to take Center Stage at Red River Crops Conference in Altus, Oklahoma
According to a recent announcement from the Texas A&M Agrilife Research and Extension Center at Amarillo, Texas and Oklahoma officials have formed the first ever Red River Crops Conference, a two-day crop production-focused event to be held in Altus, Oklahoma, January 28-29.
The goal of the conference, which will be held at the Southwest Technology Center, is to provide agricultural producers with crop management information applicable to the Texas-Oklahoma area that will create and enhance the profitability of farm and ranch enterprises. Registration for the two-day event can be completed online with a $25 payment.
Randy Boman, research director and cottonExtension program leader at the Oklahoma State University Southwest Research and Extension Center in Altus, says in a Southwest Farm Press article, “The first day of the conference we plan on featuring cotton. The second day will be devoted to other crops. The first meeting will be here in Altus and we hope to make it one of the most important crop production meetings in the area. Farmers across the area face similar problems.”
Challenges, obstacles, and profitability potentials facing agriculture producers are similar between Texas and Oklahoma state boundaries, providing a foundation for the first ever Red River Crops Conference. Attendees will have an opportunity to better manage farm and ranch enterprises with hopes in returning more profit in the future.