The Big Iron Farm Show is slated to kick off on Sept. 13 and continue through Sept. 15 in West Fargo, North Dakota.
More than 70,000 attendees from agricultural communities around the globe are expected to be on hand. The show, which has been in existence since 1980, continues to give agricultural professionals an opportunity to showcase their products in front of a large audience.
Sept. 13 and Sept. 14 will each begin with pancake and sausage breakfasts for attendees who bring goodwill donations. Health screenings will be held every day of the event, sponsored by North Dakota Living.
Field demonstrations will also be hosted every day during the Big Iron Farm Show between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Equipment companies will be on hand to demonstrate in-season fertilizer equipment for side-dressing and top-dressing crops. Additionally, educators from the North Dakota State University Extension will be making informational presentations.
Aside from side-dressing and top-dressing crops, field demonstrators will also discuss optical sensors, remote sensing, and cover crop seeding. The equipment manufacturers, including John Deere, will be available after the demonstrations to answer questions from attendees.
The Big Iron Farm Show is held annually in September at the Red River Valley Fairgrounds. Attendance is free, and the show covers more than 200 acres of ground. Each day of the event will begin at 9 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. with the exception of the final day, which closes out at 4 p.m.