According to a recent United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) news release, the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will publish the 2012 Census of Agriculture full report on May 2, which will provide a more complete picture of agriculture in the United States down to the county level.
The complete series of data will be available in multiple formats, including Quick Stats 2.0, an online database to retrieve customized tables with Census data at the national, state and county levels. The final publication is designed to provide a more in-depth look, following February’s preliminary Census report, offering expanded data on a range of topics, such as agricultural practices, conservation, organic production, as well as traditional and specialty crops.
Renee Picanso, NASS Census and Survey Division Director, said in the news release, “By providing the only source of uniform, comprehensive and impartial agriculture data down to the county level, the Census can help your operation, industry, and community. At USDA we already see preliminary Census data help shape programs and initiatives that benefit young and beginning farmers and ranchers; expand access to resources that help women, veteran and minority farmers and ranchers; and help farmers and ranchers diversify into new markets, including local and regional food systems, specialty crops and organic production.”
Conducted once every five years, the USDA’s Census of Agriculture proves data’s value. The full report will likely inform smart policymaking that helps farmers and ranchers in all parts of the country.